Mount Sinai Medical Center
4308 Alton Road, Suite 420
Miami Beach, FL 33140

Ph. (305) 695-0740

Emotional Balance

Emotional Balance promotes healthy and joyful living and it is the first step towards complete health.

Chronic Stress, which in most cases reflects lack of Emotional Balance, on average,
takes ten years off life; 8 out of 10 medications currently prescribed, are for Stress
related conditions such as insomnia, worries, anxiety, depression, hypertension and digestive symptoms.

Emotions are essential to our existence and reflect the status and synchronicity of our mind, body and spirit with the outside world. Good emotions promote harmony and good physical health; disturbing emotions promote imbalance and physical disease.

The first step to regulate our emotions and achieve Emotional Balance is to feel and become aware of our feelings and their sources.

To identify the real sources of our emotions, we need to understand how our mind evolved over the last 2 million years and how it is designed and connected to our body and spirit.

The last 25 yrs of research has given us greater clarity on how emotions are generated. Real science shows that emotions come from our mind set, choices, life style and circumstances which reflect coordinated activity of multiple brain areas.

It is very misleading to assume that emotional conditions just come from a non-proved chemical imbalance of two or three substances or a genetic disarrangement.

Fortunately, we all have the tools to be in control of our emotions and not to let them control our lives; as a result we can make better choices, establish healthy relationships, increase work performance and reach good emotional and physical health.

SobeLife Therapy for Emotional Balance ® :
-helps you minimize stress
-allows you to reach a calm, clean, dynamic, clear mind
-empowers you to be in control of and develop healthy emotions which is the first step towards Complete Health and Sustainable Well-being.

This is for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical or health advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment, making any changes to existing treatment, or altering in any way your current exercise or diet regimen. Do not delay seeking or disregard medical advice based on information on this site.